Sleep deprivation can impact every facet of your life. Lack of sleep will affect your ability to get up in the morning, it will impact the effectiveness of exercise sessions and exercise recovery. However, you can take measures that improve your sleep quality by practicing good sleep hygiene, fortifying your bedtime routine, and making your sleep environment conducive to rest.
Here are a few top suggestions to improve your sleep quality backed by research.
1. Improve Your Sleep Hygiene Habits
You can influence your internal sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm) by observing the same time to go to bed and wake up daily. You can improve these effects by exercising every day and partaking in outdoor activities that let you benefit from fresh air and sunlight. However, avoid exercising right before bed. It is best to do it at least four to five hours prior.
What you eat also impacts your sleep quality. Substances like nicotine and caffeine are stimulants that can keep your mind active when trying to improve your sleep quality. Therefore, avoid that cup of coffee or taking alcohol right before bed. Also, eat light because heavy meals also affect sleep patterns.
2. Improve Your Bedtime Routine
Try to stay away from artificial lights and avoid using your smartphone, laptop, or watching the television when you are about to go to bed. The light stimulates the brain, causing you to struggle to doze off in bed. Instead, consider relaxing activities like listening to music, reading, or even taking a warm soak in the quiet of your bathroom. Meditation also can be helpful.
3. Create an Ideal Sleep Environment
You can implement the following tips to ensure you create the best sleep environment.
• Comfort: Invest in a quality mattress because it is a primary factor in sleep quality. These Brooklyn Bedding customers share their reviews. Many people do not know that their sleep problems are linked to their mattresses, which they have used for more than 8 – 10 years. If you fall in the category of people, then it is time to throw out the old mattress and invest in a comfortable one.
• Light Out: The lights in your room can make sleeping difficult. So, consider installing dark curtains if you want to block the street lights. A sleep mask can also be a handy investment. We don’t go a night without our blackout masks in place.
• Eliminate Potential Noise: Noise-canceling headphones will help block out excessive sounds if you cannot soundproof the room. Conversely, a white noise machine can muffle the unwanted noise. The free version of the Calm app allows you to play sounds like rainfall, rivers, and nighttime lakes while your phone is off.
• Keep The Room Cool: Certain temperatures work better for you; thus, take the time to determine which temperature setting makes you sleepy. Ideally, the bedroom should not be too hot or too cold. Use a fan or a light blanket to help you find the sweet spot, and you will face lesser challenges when sleeping.
• The Bed Is For Sleep And Sex: A steamy quickie is an effective path to slumberland if you have been in bed for more than 20 minutes without dozing off. Try not to use smart devices or watch TV while laying in your bed, as both are generally stimulating and will keep your brain away.

4. Take Power Naps
Avoid fighting those midday naps. Studies who that a power nap when feeling sleepy during the day can do wonders for your attention span and overall sleep quality. Nap for about 20 minutes (no more) to rest and improve your performance levels.
Take Aways
Implementing these suggestions can immediately impact how you try to sleep at night and will improve your sleep quality if you consciously and consistently apply the properly to your lifestyle. Some of the strategies require a lot of patience and practice, but they will become your sleep routine, and you will enjoy the benefits. Your mind, body, health, and overall life will improve dramatically once you start enjoying quality sleep.
If all else fails, or even if these tips do work, consider adding 1-5 mg of a melatonin supplement about 30 minutes before you want to sleep.
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