There are many supplements and substances that can help you build muscle and perform better at the gym. Ranging from fish oil to protein powder and creatine, these supplements instigate muscle growth directly or indirectly. What many people don’t realize is that CBD can affect muscle growth in a positive way by helping with inflammation and recovery. If you want to buy this then buy testosterone cypionate online with credit card now.
CBD is slowly becoming a popular supplement among bodybuilders, athletes, and regular fitness enthusiasts. You have probably seen one or two of your favorite fitness influencers or content creators talk about it, leading you to wonder whether it can actually help you build muscle.
Well, CBD does not affect muscle gain directly. However, it has an effect on other factors that can make or mar your progress at the gym. This article will examine the different ways CBD can affect muscle building, its side effects, and how to administer it.
What Exactly is CBD?
Short for cannabidiol, CBD is a natural chemical compound obtained from the cannabis plant. So, it’s basically weed? No, it’s not that simple. There are several other compounds found in the cannabis plant, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and marijuana. The differences between some of these chemical compounds may simply be how their atoms are arranged.
For instance, THC and CBD have the same components, with a small difference in atom placement, which makes them have completely different effects on the body. While THC is a more psychoactive compound with the “high” element, CBD does not even make you high. Also, while THC may fuel your appetite, CBD modulates it, doing the opposite thing.
You can find CBD in a myriad of products today, including skin moisturizers and toothpaste. Many brands also sell oil obtained from CBD, which can be ingested by placing a dosage under the tongue. Using these products would not make you high. On the contrary, CBD products have effects that may help you build muscle and even lose fat.
How Does CBD Help You Build Muscle
CBD is Anti-inflammatory
CBD helps to protect the body against inflammation. Inflammation protects our immune system from external cells and stimuli that may be detrimental to our health. It is simply the body’s reaction to harmful or painful external stimuli. But then, inflammation is of two types; acute and chronic. Chronic inflammation is long-lasting and could eventually result in life-threatening problems such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and bone disease.
Acute inflammation, on the other hand, happens when you train your muscles at the gym. Your joints are placed in relatively uncomfortable positions, and your muscles are forced to work until they cannot move anymore (training to failure).
Studies have shown that CBD can be instrumental in relieving both chronic and acute inflammation. A study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information has shown that cannabidiol can reduce the effect of inflammation on oxidative stress, lessening chances of neuropathic pain, Alzheimer’s, and other long-term inflammation-induced diseases.
Even better, and more specifically, CBD can help with tendonitis. Tendonitis happens when you have inflammation in your tendons. Your tendons join your muscles to your bones, so they are essential to muscle building. In fact, your tendons get stronger as your muscles also get stronger over time. Another study has shown that CBD and some of its variations help reduce several inflammation-induced conditions in the long and short run.
CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties can help your body tissues recover faster from your training, enabling you to train more frequently. This, in turn, allows you to gain muscle at a faster rate.
CBD Helps With Muscle Soreness and Recovery
CBD has a positive effect on delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). DOMS is an ache you feel in your muscles after an intense exercise that the body may be unaccustomed to. Sometimes, after training your quads or chest, you may find that muscle soreness sets in after about a day. This may be DOMS.
This type of muscle soreness usually starts around 12 to 24 hours and may last up to 72 hours. It is caused by microscopic tears in the muscle.
A study published by the International Journal of Physical Education, Sports, and Health examined 23 participants who were divided into three groups. After a strenuous workout, one group was given a CBD and medium chain triglyceride (MCT dosage), another group was given only an MCT dosage, and the last group was given nothing. The study found that participants who were administered CBD had lower muscle soreness than those who were administered nothing.
CBD is an Anti-catabolic
CBD reduces the activities of the catabolic hormones. Generally, catabolic hormones and catabolism may be detrimental to muscle growth, as opposed to anabolism. CBD lowers the effects of catabolic hormones, thereby helping instigate muscle gain. An example of a catabolic hormone is cortisol, the stress hormone.
In reducing stress, CBD also makes for better REM sleep. Sleep is one of the most important factors in growing muscle, as your body tissues go through a good part of their regeneration when you’re asleep. Another study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information showed that CBD can treat REM sleep behavior disorder without causing any side effects.

CBD Can Help Control Weight Gain
The cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) in our nervous system relate directly to the compounds from the cannabis plant when we ingest them. CBD stimulates CB2, the receptor that works against inflammation and weight gain. By stimulating this receptor, CBD tones down appetite, consequently lowering food consumption.
Adipose tissue (body fat) is composed of different cells represented by colors; white, brown, and beige. While the brown and beige tissues enable energy and calorie expenditure, the white ones focus on hormone secretion and fat storage. A 2018 study has shown that stimulating the body’s cannabinoid receptors (especially CB2) can turn white adipose tissue to brown and beige, thereby facilitating weight loss and helping against obesity in the long run.
Is CBD Legal?
That question probably crossed your mind at some point while reading this article. The answer is yes. CBD is legal and is not checked during drug tests for athletes.
However, there are a few gray areas. At the federal level, CBD from hemp containing only 0.3 percent THC is not illegal, but CBD from cannabis is illegal. This is because CBD from cannabis contains higher amounts of THC than CBD, and THC provides a “high.” The 2018 Farm Bill signed by Trump is the legislation that legalized hemp CBD, making it completely normal to make and consume various CBD products.
Nonetheless, the laws still vary in many American states. While federal legislation legalizes CBD from hemp, many states have not legalized any cannabis-related product. So, you need to be conversant with the legislation in your area.
In Summary
CBD can obviously be beneficial to bodybuilders, athletes, and strongmen. However, while implementing it as one of your supplements, make sure to buy from a reputable brand. Some brands may not conduct due diligence by testing to ensure their CBD products are completely devoid of THC.
Also, remember to still follow the basics: proper training and nutrition. While supplements could take you further in your training, they are not an off-and-on switch for growing muscle. Even though CBD can affect muscle growth in a positive way, we really need to focus on all of the elements of health that are more important than CBD. So, prioritize training, nutrition, and rest.