Aging in place, while a desire shared by many, often requires thoughtful planning and home modifications to ensure safety and comfort in the golden years.
Aging in Place: Home Modifications for a Safe and Comfortable Future
Choosing the Right Cabinet Style for 2023
Choosing the right cabinet style for your kitchen can be overwhelming with all the different options. Read this article to get a few ideas.
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24 Mar, 2025How To Touch Up Kitchen Cabinets With Paint Chips
The kitchen is a major focal point in any home & you want it looking nice for a long time. Read here to learn how to touch up kitchen cabinets with paint chips.
Things to Consider When Redesigning a Kitchen (Part 2)
Here is part 2 of things you should consider when redesigning a kitchen. This post looks at more of the nice-to-haves instead of the necessary.
Things To Consider When Designing a Kitchen (Part 1)
Things To Consider When Designing A Kitchen (Pt. 1) – Designing a kitchen is not as easy it looks, so consider these things when in the design process.
Prefab Vs Custom Cabinets
Are you re-designing your kitchen? Here is what you need to know about prefab vs custom cabinets. Come learn the pros and cons of each type of cabinetry.