Everyone who is into gaming first wanted to know when Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 will release. People who aren’t into games are also asking why people want to play Fortnite season 4. This past Vibin Season was a chill time with a few crossovers with Dragon Ball and Destiny 2, which is a pretty recent release. Players are always curious about what this new season of any game will have in store for them, which is why everyone wants to know what Fortnite is bringing for them.
“Fortnite Paradise” is the official name for season 4, but from all we have seen, it is anything but that. The teasers included characters all being swallowed up by metallic goo, while the Official Fortnite Twitter account also posted some startling content. From those previews, it was all we knew about Fortnite Paradise until its release, which is now the most-played game in recent months.
Fortnite Season 4 Release Date
The release date of Fortnite was September 18. It was originally thought to release since it is when the current battle pass ends, but it was confirmed by the Fortnite Paradise website that revealed the name of this new Season and the date it is set to come in. As of this writing, we can play Fortnite season 4 at will to soothe the need for entertainment.
What Does Fortnite Season 4 Have in Store for Players?
The official details were kept thin for Fortnite season 4. The Fortnite Paradise website was the first to share a proper teaser, giving us the name and the release date of the new Season. One other teaser came in the form of a promo image which was added to the eShop version of the game showing a hand reaching out from some metallic liquid goo.

Fortnite Divisional Cups
Chapter 3 of Season 4 offers a brand new series of Duos competitions known as Fortnite Divisional cups. We also release there is a ton of information in this area, but here is some more information:
Placement Cup
On September 24, players competed in the New Placement Cup to qualify in the region for one of the three brand-new Fortnite Competitive Divisions: Challenger, Contender, and Elite. Putting in the top 200 Duos in this Placement Cup will unlock the Elite Division, where you will have the chance to qualify for Elite Cup Weekly for the cash prizes.
To access the Placement Cup, you should earn the rank of the Contender in attle Royale Arena before the overall Placement Cup begins. The players will also compete in two rounds in the Battle Royale Arena Duos.
Arena Hype Reset
With this format change also comes the change in when the Arena is resetting. At Season Launch, you will start with 0 Hype. There won’t be any requirements to earn the Champion Rank this Season while competing in cash-priced tournaments.
Highly noticeable for the regions outside of Europe and the NA East, the pricing has also been adjusted to get the Top 40 Duos in the prize-winning position. This change’s main goal is to improve the overall quality of matches in this final Lobbies. In addition, we’ll be closely examining how these games stack up against those from previous Seasons.
How many duos qualify for Elite and the Challenger Divisions per every event?
These placements will be used at the start of Fortnite season 4. You should note that they are subject to change at any time during the season:
In Oceania, the Middle East, Asia, North America West, and Brazil:
- 10 teams will go forth from Challenger to Elite per each event
- 50 teams will move ahead from Contender to Challenger per each event
In North America East:
- 20 teams will move ahead from Challenger to Elite per event
- 100 teams will advance to Challenger from Contender per event
In Europe:
- 30 teams will move ahead from Challenger to Elite per each event
- 150 teams will move ahead from Contender to Challenger per every event
Final Verdict
These are a few details that the website posted about when and how to play Fortnite season 4. Maybe Fortnite season 5 is also in the pipeline, but that is for the future. To its max, you should enjoy season 4, chapter 3, as it offers so many exciting points. This is what’s new in Fortnite for season 4. Stay tuned for more and greater Fortnite updates in the months and years to come!